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At Leigh Academy Tree Tops, the Maths curriculum develops pupils individually and personally and promotes curiosity, confidence and enjoyment of mathematics.  Through an engaging, inclusive and creative curriculum, pupils cultivate rich connections across mathematical ideas in order to develop fluency, reasoning and competence in solving increasingly sophisticated problems. Skills and knowledge are developed consistently over time, with a clear progression throughout the primary years. These are further embedded through application within science and the wider curriculum. At Leigh Academy Tree Tops, we are committed to ensuring that children are able to recognise the importance of maths in the wider world through an inclusive curriculum and that they are able to apply their knowledge confidently in their lives within a range of different contexts. We believe that everyone ‘can do’ maths and that breaking learning into sequenced small steps of learning so everyone can succeed and so that our maths curriculum builds long term learning. 

Tree Tops uses White Rose Maths Schemes of Learning across the Academy to plan and deliver lessons,  to ensure that our planned curriculum details the core facts, concepts, methods and strategies that give our pupils the best chance of developing proficiency.  We sequence the teaching of linked facts and methods to take advantage of the way that knowing facts helps learn methods and vice versa. 

The sequence is also broken down into manageable, well-structured small steps which allow the children to become secure in each aspect of the learning by relating it to past schemas, before moving on and applying it. Teachers also use additional resources to supplement their teaching and to ensure all pupils’ needs are being met, so that concepts are being mastered rather than just covered. 

Mathematics teaching at Leigh Academy Tree Tops follows the CPA approach (concrete, pictorial and abstract) so that all children can access the learning being delivered and helps embed the understanding of key concepts, allowing for conceptual understanding not just procedural.   This approach can be seen through the use of manipulatives during the introduction of new concepts and the interleaving of these, as well as pictorial representations, throughout the small steps where necessary, so that all children are supported in reaching the same end goal of the National Curriculum requirements.    Additionally, these varied representations are used to challenge and stretch a pupil’s understanding.

Maths in EYFS

Mathematics in our early years setting is developed by whole class teaching as well as mathematical provisions and investigations which are always accessible to the children. These change to facilitate present learning, but also revision of past concepts and introduction to new ideas. 

Pupils are taught to recognise patterns in both shape and number, leading them to understand and use numbers 1-20 in basic addition and subtraction  scenarios. Manipulatives and mathematical talk is used to help build these schemas and create a broad and rich base of knowledge for the children to begin  their primary years journey with. 

Maths in Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2)

Our principal focus of maths teaching in Key Stage 1 is to ensure that pupils become fluent using whole numbers, counting and understanding place value.   This involves working with numerals, words and the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division).   The use of manipulatives is vital in fostering this learning to ensure that concepts are well understood and applied confidently. 

Pupils begin to recognise, describe, draw, compare and sort different shapes and use mathematical vocabulary.  Learning and teaching involves using a range of measures to describe and compare different quantities such as length, mass, capacity/volume, time and money.

The recall and application  of number bonds is essential during these early years, to enable the children to flourish higher up in their education.   Hence, regular retrieval practices are put into place, so that recall can become automatic by the end of year 2.

Maths in Lower Key Stage 2 

The main focus of mathematics teaching in Years 3 and 4 is to ensure that pupils become confident using whole numbers and applying four operations. We make sure that pupils develop efficient written and mental methods and perform calculations accurately with increasingly large whole numbers.

Pupils develop their ability to solve a range of problems, and are taught to use simple fractions and decimal place value. During this time, we also strive for pupils to successfully reason and explain relationships between both numbers and shapes.    We ensure that pupils can use measuring instruments with accuracy and make connections between measure and number, also emphasising accuracy with mathematical drawings.

By the end of Year 4 pupils know multiplication tables up to and including the ‘12 times table’ and show precision and fluency in their work, preparing them sufficiently for the national times table check.

During this time, the concrete, pictorial and abstract approach becomes fundamental in helping develop the small steps of knowledge and leading the pupils to become independently reflective in their maths.

Maths in Upper Key Stage 2

As they near the end of their primary career, pupils are taught to extend their understanding of the number system and place value to include larger integers. This develops the connections that pupils make between multiplication and division with fractions, decimals, percentages and ratio.

Pupils refine their ability to solve a wider range of problems, including problems involving complex properties of numbers and arithmetic, and problems that demand efficient written and mental methods of calculation. Pupils are introduced to the language of algebra as a means for solving a variety of problems. Learning and teaching in geometry and measures consolidates and extends pupils’ knowledge developed in number. Pupils classify shapes with increasingly complex geometric properties and learn the vocabulary they need to describe them.

This means that when they leave us, pupils are fluent in written methods for all four operations, including long multiplication and division, and in working with fractions, decimals and percentages.

Fluency and Retrieval

Subitising in EYFS is an important and key skill. This is practised daily through a range of activities. Number bonds are also an essential part of maths and these are developed from EYFS into year 1 with the expectation that by the end of year 2 pupils will be able to retrieve this knowledge accurately and without hesitation.

Times tables are taught in year groups 2-6 with more of a focus in years 3 and 4 to help prepare the children for the Multiplication Tables Check.   We use Times Table Rock Stars to encourage and motivate children; competitions between classes and cluster schools occur regularly; pupils in year 4 also test their knowledge weekly by using the ‘Sound Check’ function which is similar to the MTC. 

Arithmetic is a focus in years 5 and 6 to develop their core arithmetic skills so they are proficient and fluent with these skills. Daily arithmetic opportunities are provided which the children use as a means of self assessment as well as an opportunity to practise their retrieval skills.


Learning is adapted and tailored to meet the needs of all pupils, including those with SEND, through adaptive teaching; including guidance from the EEF (Education Endowment foundation). Educators incorporate explicit instruction, cognitive and metacognitive strategies, scaffolding, flexible grouping and use of technology into daily classroom practice to ensure access for all.

By the time children leave Leigh Academy Tree Tops, children make good progress from their own personal starting points.  By the end of their learning journey in Year 6, they will be able to apply their knowledge and skills with fluency and also efficiently; this will also support them within their transition to secondary education.  

We have engaged pupils who show a passion for mathematics who are challenged to meet their full potential.  Our confident pupils are able to articulate their ideas using mathematical vocabulary, make links between their learning and see mistakes as a valuable part of their learning journey.

KS2 Results:

  2019 2020 2021 2022
% achieving expected and above in Maths 71 76 76 80
% achieving higher standard in Maths 14 26 17 49
  • Continual assessment informs the teaching and learning sequence.
  • Feedback is given on children’s learning in line with our feedback policy. Verbal feedback is known to be more effective than written.
  • Formative assessment within every lesson helps teachers to identify the children who need more support in order to achieve the intended outcome as well as those who are secure and require a challenge.
  • Summative assessments are completed once a term and gap analysis of tests is undertaken and fed into future planning
  • Working with SLT, key data is analysed and regular feedback is provided, to inform on progress and future actions.