At Leigh Academy Tree Tops, we provide hot school dinners provided by Cucina which all children in Reception and KS1 are entitled to under the Universal Infant Free School Meals Government scheme. This happens automatically, there is no need for parents/carers to request meals, children should simply indicate which option from the weekly menu they require at morning registration. However, if you would rather your child have a packed lunch we ask that it is healthy and balanced.


View our 3 week lunch menu IFG Menu Cycle Calendar
Cucina IFG logo


Any items containing nuts are not allowed to be brought into school as we are a no nut environment.

In line with a healthy approach to diet, we are also a water only school. Please can you make sure your child only has water in their drinking bottle. At lunch, pupils will have access to drinking water if they do not have their water bottle.

Once our children join Key Stage 2, meals will cost £2.50 per day and should be paid for through the MCAS app. Children may be eligible for Free School Meals if parents/carers are in receipt of certain benefits. For further information please ask at Reception or email us at

Healthy Snacks

We are pleased to be part of the Government Fruit and Vegetable Scheme. Children are provided with a free piece of fruit or a healthy snack to eat at mid morning break in EYFS, Years 1 and 2. When children reach Year 3 and above they may bring in a piece of fruit or a healthy snack for morning break.

Free Academy Meals

Applications for free Academy meals should be made to Kent County Council via this link: Free School Meals or alternatively complete a form available from the school office. Once approval has been given there is a choice of a cooked meal or packed lunch.